
amend the docker article

add Dockerising GUI applications

add art/019 -- Install NixOS, update plan

new article: Wayland on OpenBSD (2024)

add a note about gpass 0.6 and gpm 0.3

add a note that unmounting encrypted disks in /etc/rc.shutdown is not really necessary

big post-Serbia update

fix photo path

add the barbershop picture

update the geek code

further rearrange photos and text

increase size of some photos

fix text under the relief picture

rearrange some photos

add comment to hacks

fix photo dimensions

add photos from Racha

add the article on how to install alpine under vmm

update current info

correct info about Kutaisi

correct quote

add a quote on Kutaisi weather

make gallery.html less depressing

document the new article in .plan

add article about .forward