commit - 1e13783e8ddd7ad1adcb4cb5565289cba9614ff9
commit + a1a2b34806e540fcb8714b457dd63b24b53cd168
blob - 500c7c6cff3f0f14ddc0d90f4336dfbae20eaa40
blob + 81e82c294261af78c4d17f82895fb5adaf558201
--- gpm
+++ gpm
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path 'make_path';
+use POSIX ':sys_wait_h';
+use Digest::SHA 'sha256';
our ($opt_g, $opt_d, $opt_r);
my $gpg;
my $cmd = basename $0;
"usage: $cmd [-g command] [-d dir] add [-m] name\n" .
+" $cmd [-g command] [-d dir] copy\n" .
" $cmd [-d dir] rm name ...\n" .
" $cmd [-g command] [-d dir] show name\n" .
" $cmd [-d dir] mv from to\n" .
-# show: decrypt file, and print plaintext to stdout.
-sub show {
+# get: decrypt file, and return plaintext.
+sub get {
$#ARGV >= 0 or usage;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
ckpath $file or die "bad path $file\n";
$file = cklegacy $file;
- system("$gpg -d $file");
+ my $out = `$gpg -d $file`;
$? == 0 or exit 1;
+ return $out;
+# show: decrypt file, and print plaintext to stdout.
+sub show {
+ print(get @ARGV);
+# copy: decrypt file, and copy to GPM_COPY_INCMD, delete with GPM_COPY_DELCMD
+# after GPM_COPY_SLEEP seconds if necessary.
+sub copy {
+ my $incmd = $ENV{GPM_COPY_INCMD} // "xclip";
+ my $outcmd = $ENV{GPM_COPY_SHOWCMD} // "xclip -o";
+ my $delcmd = $ENV{GPM_COPY_DELCMD} // "xclip </dev/null";
+ my $sleep = $ENV{GPM_COPY_SLEEP} // 60;
+ my $pw = get(@ARGV);
+ # This is a huge cludge. The reason we have to do copying inside a detached
+ # process is because otherwise the following doesn't work (assuming xclip):
+ #
+ # $ tmux popup -E 'GPG_TTY=`tty` pmc' && sleep 1 && xclip -o
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if (not defined $pid) {
+ die "Fork failed: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($pid == 0) {
+ POSIX::setsid();
+ open(FH, "|-", $incmd) or
+ die "Could not open command '$incmd': $!\n";
+ print FH $pw;
+ close FH;
+ if ($? != 0) {
+ system $delcmd;
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $pw = sha256 $pw;
+ $pid = fork();
+ if (not defined $pid) {
+ system $delcmd;
+ die "Fork failed: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($pid == 0) {
+ POSIX::setsid();
+ sleep $sleep;
+ system($delcmd) if
+ (sha256(`$outcmd`) eq $pw);
+ }
+ } else {
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ exit $?;
+ }
getopts('g:d:r') or usage;
$#ARGV >= 0 or usage;
for ($cmd) {
if (/^a/) { add; last; }
+if (/^c/) { copy; last; }
if (/^l/) { ls; last; }
if (/^m/) { mv; last; }
if (/^r/) { rm; last; }